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Panicafe Experience

PANICAFÉ is a place where you eat delicious food, where you find homemade products with fresh, quality ingredients. PANICAFÉ vindicates what is artisanal, what has the “old” flavor, the flavor of what is homemade, what is made by the grandmother.

Each ingredient is selected with great care: the breads are exceptional, controlled in every part of the production process by the Master Bakers. The coffee, lemonades, sandwiches, cakes, daily menus, snacks, and everything on the menu, are made with passion following their own homemade recipes.

PANICAFÉ is to sit down and also to take away. It has a friendly and comfortable environment, in which diverse spaces merge: the glazed gallery with views to the outside, a space with tables and chairs to enjoy or work and a space for selling ice cream and a bakery for customers to pass by, be tempted, ask and carry! 

PANICAFÉ is an experience for the senses!

Experiencia Panicafe

PANICAFÉ es un lugar donde se come rico, donde encontrás productos caseros con ingredientes frescos y de calidad. PANICAFÉ reivindica lo artesanal, lo que tiene el sabor “de antes”, el sabor de lo casero, de lo hecho por la abuela.

Se selecciona cada ingrediente con mucho cuidado: los panes son excepcionales, controlados en cada parte del proceso de elaboración por los Maestros Panaderos. El café, las limonadas, los sándwiches, las tortas, las meriendas, y todo lo que figura en la carta, se elabora con pasión siguiendo las propias recetas caseras.

PANICAFÉ es para sentarse y también para llevar. Cuenta con un entorno amigable y cómodo, en el que se fusionan espacios diversos: la galería vidriada con vistas al exterior, un espacio con mesas y sillas para disfrutar o trabajar y un espacio de expendio de helados y de panadería para que los clientes pasen, se tienten, pidan y lleven!

PANICAFÉ es toda una experiencia para los sentidos!


PANICAFÉ was born in 2015; From then until the present, we create a natural sourdough yeast that provides us with a nuanced flavor of the past, in a complex process but bathed in memories, sensations and quality. Sourdough adds nutrients, aromas and textures to our products. Maintaining it requires patience and skill in similar quantities, with daily care that allows it to preserve its unique flavor.

We make our breads, croissants and all bakery products with great love and with the experienced guidance of our Master Baker and team. The sourdough must do its job. Our hands guide it, producing exquisite and differential products.

Bread Line

Our bread menu includes traditional breads (baguette, country and homemade breads, whole wheat bread, among others) and breads that we renew seasonally. 

For the Spring-Summer Season, we invite our customers to try the following varieties: oregano and parmesan, nutty, carrot, multiseeds, sesame and butter, olive groves.

Ideal for: boards and snacks, sandwiches, to accompany roasted vegetables, pickles, spreads, roasted meats, seasonal vegetables, anchovies and fish, among many options. Enjoy and share these artisanal Panicafé flavors.